Monday, March 8, 2010


Gandhi was not killed by Godse. It was Gandhi's body that was shot dead by a religious fanatic but Gandhi was infinitely more then his body. Gandhi was an IDEA nurtured by truth and ahimsa.
Though it's well known that people die but their ideas survive. Is it true about Gandhi? Has truth & ahimsa survived in our nation? Is there a premium on sticking to truth or punishment is doled out generously in return? Is ahimsa the weapon of strong or label for coward?

The politicians who have amassed huge wealth through organised loot of public money have killed Gandhi.

The businessman who has bribed his way to the top & deprived the poor of their legitimate claims over natural resources have killed Gandhi.

The bureaucrat who wags his tail in front of his political boss & earns a cut from every govt project have killed Gandhi.

The police officer who connives with criminals instead of apprehending them have killed Gandhi.

The religious leaders who spread hate among different communities have killed Gandhi.

Each one of us has killed the Father of the nation. Each one of us is an orphan without the guilt of murdering our own Bapu.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Maoist menace

Radical left wing extremism has emerged as the biggest internal security threat covering around one third of the nation.There has been wide difference regarding the course of action to wipe out this threat.
A liberal democracy like India though far from perfection has failed to share the developmental fruits with a large section of society. Income & opportunity disparities have created deep & wide fault lines among different sections of society.
There is an urgent need to rectify this anomaly and ensure that public services in terms of health, education, employment etc reach the marginalised sections. But to ensure that this herculean task of rebuilding these people and areas ; there has to be an environment of peace and law & order.
Govt can't negotiate with someone having a gun and threatening to resume violence if talks fail. Hence there's need for a coordinated and planned effort backed by a wide political consensus.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Devdas Revisited

Hats off to Anurag Kashyap for introducing us to modern Devdas ie Dev played superbly by poster boy of off-beat movies Abhay Deol, daring act of Paro deftly played by Mahie Gill and who can forget full lipped Chanda act by Kalki.
Dev D is turning out to be the most radical product of Bollywood. Never ever female sexuality has been presented in such an explicit and forceful way ; well exemplified by Paro’s trip to a field with mattress on her bicycle for making out with her just returned Dev. Though some of scenes like the one just described may be over the top but they’ve succeeded in conveying the message of female sexual liberation.
The movie is partly inspired by mms scandal involving a Delhi schoolgirl. Almost half of nation had their lustful eyes glued to that clip on their cell phones but publicly it was condemned as if their haven’t been a bigger sin committed by a teenager.
This movie has fundamentally altered the perception of female sexuality. The music is simply brilliant……esp. emotional atyachar.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you better start RUNNING.
An African proverb