Monday, March 8, 2010


Gandhi was not killed by Godse. It was Gandhi's body that was shot dead by a religious fanatic but Gandhi was infinitely more then his body. Gandhi was an IDEA nurtured by truth and ahimsa.
Though it's well known that people die but their ideas survive. Is it true about Gandhi? Has truth & ahimsa survived in our nation? Is there a premium on sticking to truth or punishment is doled out generously in return? Is ahimsa the weapon of strong or label for coward?

The politicians who have amassed huge wealth through organised loot of public money have killed Gandhi.

The businessman who has bribed his way to the top & deprived the poor of their legitimate claims over natural resources have killed Gandhi.

The bureaucrat who wags his tail in front of his political boss & earns a cut from every govt project have killed Gandhi.

The police officer who connives with criminals instead of apprehending them have killed Gandhi.

The religious leaders who spread hate among different communities have killed Gandhi.

Each one of us has killed the Father of the nation. Each one of us is an orphan without the guilt of murdering our own Bapu.

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